Sunday, February 3, 2019

Reduce, ReUse, Recycle...Save, Simplify, Substitute...History Repeats Itself

During WWII, resources were scarce and production could only go so quickly. Governments around the globe passed laws requiring citizens to curb their own consumption of resources so that there was enough to fill more important needs. Everyone did their part to Save, Simplify, and Substitute. The collective did it together.

And they had help to accomplish this. Governments bombarded citizens with propaganda to essentially alter their habits. Unfortunately, our government does not do this for everyday citizens, so not nearly enough people are onboard with living a Reduce, Reuse, Recycle lifestyle at home.

This is how we should be living now. The current global population is 7.7 billion people. That is almost double what is was in 1980. And population growth is slowing, but when your base start number is 7.7 billion and the estimated population will grow another 3 billion people in the next 40 years, that is a lot of people consuming our planet's resources everyday, every week, every month, every year. And throwing it away.

We all freak out about how much garbage there is in the oceans and the wars over fossil fuels. Now consider, that without significant changes in our consumption habits, this is only going to get worse.

I wasn't trying to make this depressing, but maybe it needs to be depressing in order to get better.

I am making a serious effort to reduce my carbon footprint. I am going to share what I do periodically with you hoping you might be inspired by some everyday easy changes to use.


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